A stunning, candlelit church, not one but two (!) donkeys and a stage set for all who wanted to be part of the Nativity to come and join in!
And what a lovely service it was!
A Pop-Up Nativity is a type of Nativity Play/Service where we invite people – young and old – to come dressed up as their favourite Nativity character (or just as themselves!). Then as we g through the story we gradually build up the Nativity Scene ready for the iconic photo at the end. Interspersed with carols, this is one of those wonderful Memory Making moments which proves that Christmas doesn’t have to be just about presents to be incredibly special!
There were lots of wonderful moments – from when the children entered the church that had been lit with candles, fairy lights and such huge trees, to grateful thanks to those adults standing in as a few extra Wise Men (shepherds and angels proving to be much more popular this year!). Some members of the congregation had spent months making extra costumes, and they were incredible – totally transforming many children right back into the Bethlehem scene.
The donkeys were as appreciated as ever (with thanks to Debbie & Mike Street), with one wonderful boy struggling to contain his excitement that there were in fact not one donkey but TWO! All this was then interspersed with some carols before most of us headed back over to the Parish Centre for the annual Children’s Party with music and food – one parent Sarah commented that “I can honestly say my little girl has never had so much fun”!
Many thanks to all who put in significant hours to make it happen – St George’s really does have some of the most wonderful people!