What a celebration to end an academic year!

Every year we hold a confirmation service, and this year was one of our busiest ones yet!

Christenings (or Baptisms – same thing – just a different word when you get older!) are part of a two stage rite – the first is getting Christened (or baptised), and the second is publicly declaring your faith and then the bishop prays for each person to be filled with the  Holy Spirit.

Many people are Christened as a baby, and so come forth to ‘own’ their vows themselves at the end of primary school or in secondary school. For others, particularly for adults who have come to faith later on in life, confirmation is another step in their faith journey.  Ideally, baptism and confirmation would happen at the same time, but being that Bishop’s are rather busy, often there is a gap between the two.

And so this Sunday, we were delighted to welcome Bishop Mark to confirm children and adults alike, and it was a wonderful celebration as each one got to affirm their faith, and receive prayer. Some of those confirms were baptised earlier on in the year, others had come to faith some time ago but only recently decided to take the next step.  Either way, it was such a wonderful occasion, and a fitting way to bring the academic year to a close.

Now we take time to regroup and re-energise ready for September when everything gets busy once again!