A warm welcome awaits you

Come and be part of St George’s Church as we worship and explore our faith
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Our Services:

We hold a number of different services here at St George’s for all ages and stages of life and faith.

Do come and be part of them.

Sunday Morning Services:

Our services are a place for those for whom faith is something that they have lived out for many years, and also for those who are coming to explore, ask questions, and reflect on what the Christian faith might mean for their lives.

We often refer to our Christian faith as a ‘journey’ and wherever you are on that path, do feel that this is a place that you can be at home in.

St George's Church | Services | Sunday | Service of the Word | Simplicity | Altrincham8.00am Eucharist: This is a quiet service without music that lasts 30 minutes. It is held in our beautiful Lady Chapel.  If you are someone who likes simplicity and regularity amidst a friendly and small congregation, this is the perfect place for you.



St George's | Altrincham | Church | Church of England | Aisle 9.30am The Parish Eucharist: This is a service with music lasting for 1 hour. It is friendly, relaxed and dignified, alongside the hustle and bustle that our children bring to the service who are always warmly welcomed.  During this service, we look to marry old and new: we connect with the traditions of the past, centred around the Eucharist ,whilst being empowered for all that lies ahead that week.

Sunday Morning Coffee: after the Parish Eucharist we meet for coffee, biscuits and friendship.




St George's | Mid-Week | Communion 10am Wednesday Mid-Week Eucharist:

This service is a wonderful place to get some space and re-orientate yourself for all that the rest of the week has in store.  It’s a simple service where we pray for our Parish and our town.  It lasts for only for half an hour, and is followed by coffee.







Morning Prayer | Church of England | Altrincham | St GeorgesMorning Prayer

Morning prayer is often referred to as ‘the Office’ as there is a sense of work behind it – it’s part of our every day routine.

It’s a way of praying that draws on centuries of traditional and is infused with rich bible passages and readings.

We pray for our Parish, town, nation and world, whilst also making space to bring our own concerns to God as well.

Do come and be part of it.

We use the Church of England ‘Daily Prayer App’.






Festival Service | Christmas | St George's | AltrinchamFestival Services

During the year we have a number of special services known as ‘Festival Services’.

Back in September 2022, the queues to pay respects to the late Queen reached to 25 hours.

There were many reasons why people joined The Queue, but one thing united them – in the words of a famous footballer, it was something that “was meant to be shared”. Festival Services are one of those times that are meant to be shared; a moment that brings us together not only with those around us, but also with those who have gone before us, and those who will come after us.  They are sometimes very modern, sometimes deep with symbolism and tradition – so do come, be part of it and share the experience with others.

These range from the obvious – Easter, Harvest, Remembrance and a whole host of traditional Christmas services, to the not so obvious – a Memorial Service,  a Pop-Up Nativity, a Pet Service, the Blessing of the Bags and many more!

Do keep an eye on our website and social media channels for more information.


St George | Altrincham | Prayer | Church | CommunityPrayer

‘Say one for me’

As the Parish Church of Altrincham, we pray regularly for our community that we serve: it’s people, it’s school and all the business that surround us too.

We believe that all parts of our lives matter to God – whether that is with our friends and families, or in our workplaces too.

If you would like us to pray for anything specific, it would be a privilege to do so.  So please do follow the link below to let us know.

Just a couple of things to be aware of:

  • Your prayer requests are confidential within normal safeguarding parameters – we’re happy to talk through what this means if that would help.
  • If you ask for prayer for a named person (so not just ‘my friend’) please do ensure that you have their permission first.
  • We don’t normally get in touch about your prayer requests, but if you would like a listening ear, do get in touch with us and we can arrange a visit or phone call.





Other Services:

Holy Communion is gladly taken to the sick and house bound – please let the clergy also know those who value a visit at home or in hospital.

The Ministry of Healing – including laying on of hands and anointing is always available.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession and absolution) is administered by appointment.







Life Events:Christening | Church | St George's | Altrincham

The Church of England is in every community, and has been helping people mark, the significant moments of life for generations.

Please click on a link below to find out more.






What a celebration to end an academic year! Every year we hold a confirmation service, and this year was one of our busiest ones yet! Christenings (or Baptisms - same thing - just a different word when you get older!) are part of a two stage rite - the first is...


St George's Parish Church
Church Street
Greater Manchester
WA14 4DB

0161 941 4037

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