Well, it’s not often that you get to celebrate the Coronation of a new monarch, and so we took the opportunity to have another party!St George's Church | Altrincham | Party | Coronation

The day started with our morning services incorporating prayers for King Charles III and the sermon started with a small quiz on Buckingham Palace, linking nicely (or so the Vicar believed!) to an exploration of his “Father’s house” that Jesus described as having “many dwelling-places” in John 14. It was also the relaunch of our Junior Church – happening to begin with on the First Sunday of the month, it was wonderful to see the children skipping away and then rejoining us for communion.

St George's Church | Altrincham | Party | CoronationThen we moved into our party! The bunting was up and it was great to see all generations together as the kids led the way with the prizes – from pin the crown on the King, to the now iconic game of roll the £1 coins closest to the bottle of champagne the children more than ruled the roost! We were treated to lots of canapes curtesy of Janet, alongside a quiz and raffle.

In the evening, we then gather for a formal special service of commemoration for the King. With King Charles’ favourite hymns, prayers and finishing with a rousing version of the National Anthem, it was a calm way to draw to a close a day full of celebration and laughter.

We’re now all taking a well earned rest!

St George's Church | Altrincham | Party | Coronation