Last night we had our PCC meeting – it’s a bit like a governors meeting for a school, but it’s where we keep an eye on what is going on, and steer what we do strategically as a church.

There is often a feeling that such meetings can be boring, but yesterday definitiely wasn’t!

In the course of our discussions yesterday, we made three big decisions:

We agreed to appoint a new Children & Families worker with a brief not only to develop the work we do in church, but to strengthen our links with the school and support the work of Altrincham Primary School through lunch time clubs, worship and other opportunities that arise.

We also agreed to appoint a Organist and Musical director who will work with both the church and the school to build up our choir. We’re partly excited about partnering with the school – the aim is to provide free musical education that will enable the young children who want to to learn how to read music, sing well, and even sit some exams too that will then set them up for any music that they later want to peruse.

And then we finally agreed to a partnership with Youth for Christ as we set up an after school youth group on a Friday from 3.30 – 4.30 pm. It will initially be aimed at Year 6-Year 8s.  Our part will be start with the Year 6s: We want to create a safe space for children to develop their relationships, let off some steam (and eat some food!), explore some Christian values, and develop the skills & resilience that they need for the transition into high school. Our dream is that this will then become a space that, when they reach Year 7 and beyond, they can return too – therefore keeping and developing those friendships that they have made in Primary Schools, even when they make new friends in different high schools.

In short, all very exciting!