It was with a bit of consternation that we realised that Shrove Tuesday landed right in the middle of half term. A few chats with people here and there, and we began to imagine that the whole of Altrincham might be heading off on holiday (a slight over exaggeration, we realise!).
So rather than miss anyone, we decided instead to move our pancakes a few days early – a notice in the Service Sheet, an advert on the website and socials, and – ta dah! – Shrove Sunday was born!
So church it was in the morning, and then everyone flocked over to the Parish Centre for an update from Dee & Rev Claire, followed by the much anticipated pancakes and scrumptious toppings. Ably made by Alex & Alan, and aided and abetted by the organisational talents of Janet, Hannah & Liv, soon pancakes were being tossed and tummies filled!
It was so lovely having such a multi-generational meal with people from all ages and stages treating themselves – the Parish Centre was suitably full, and we suspect that we might repeat the timings again next year. Perhaps ‘Shrove Sunday’ might indeed catch on?!